Kid Point
Kid Point
At Point Church Cary, Kid Point is all about pointing kids to Jesus. Our priority is for your kid(s) (birth-5th grade) to experience a safe and clean environment with age-appropriate, engaging biblical teaching. We also believe that Sundays are just one part of your child’s faith training, so we partner with parents to help you be the primary faith trainer. Simply put, we want to engage kids to own their faith, equip parents as discipleship leaders, and encourage families to pursue Christ together.
Your first visit
Here’s what to expect when visiting Kid Point for the first time:
First, walk down the first set of stairs from the lobby. There, someone will meet and greet your family, have you fill out a New Family Form, check your child(ren) into our system, and then one of our volunteers will lead your child(ren) to their age-appropriate room.
Upon checking in for the first time, we will ask for the following information (NOTE: we value your privacy and will not share this information with anyone):
- Parent/guardian name(s)
- Contact information (phone number, email, and home address)
- Child’s name
- Child’s birthdate / grade
- Any special instructions (allergies, special needs)

How check-in works
Before Service: You can check-in your child at any available kiosk. There is a check-in volunteer stationed in the area if you need assistance or have any questions. After finding your child’s name in the database, you and your child will be given matching name tags that are exclusive to your family and your visit. Your child will need to wear the name tag portion while you hold on to the matching tag for pickip.
After Service: After the service is complete, you will return to the check-in area and show your tag in order for your child to be released back to you. After your first visit, your child will receive a personal postcard from the Kid’s Minister 🙂
Our Classes
We provide 5 levels of age-appropriate classes:
- Nursery (birth to walking)
- Toddler (walking to 3 years old)
- Preschool (3-5 year olds)
- Lower Elementary (Kindergarten-2nd grade)
- Upper Kids (3rd-5th graders)

Our Curriculum
We use the Grow Kids Curriculum. Our goal is to help kids grow spiritually by teaching and discussing Scripture in developmentally appropriate ways. This curriculum will take kids through every major Bible story in three years. At the end of three years, we’ll start over! We spend an equal amount of time in the Old and New Testaments to give our kids a full and holistic view of God.
This is a hybrid teaching model (live teaching and Bible reading conducted by trained volunteers paired with video worship & a supplemental lesson video). *Our Upper Kids class attends live worship in the worship center upstairs together*
We reinforce the Biblical “Big Idea” through games, crafts, and other activities. We have a monthly theme paired with a memory verse.

A few more details:
- All of our volunteers are background checked.
- A volunteer will escort your child(ren) to their room. In order to keep our Kid Point hallway safe and secure, we ask that parents drop off at the hallway door.
- The preschool classroom is the only class that receives a snack. You may pack a snack for your child if necessary.
- Our general policy is after 10 minutes of crying we will notify the parent(s)/guardian(s). This is in an effort to facilitate a positive experience for the child(ren). This doesn’t mean you have to pick up your child, but rather that we will provide an opportunity for parents to offer input and choose how to proceed with their child.